Help! I Regret My Tattoo

Help! I Regret My Tattoo

Most people have done something they regret – but most of those things don't live permanently on the skin. A tattoo, however, is a constant reminder of a bad decision if you don't like what you have or have serious regrets.

Great news – laser tattoo removal is a popular and effective treatment for ink that you want to eliminate permanently. If you genuinely regret your tattoo, the Meridian Plastic Surgery team in Meridian, Mississippi, provides laser procedures to help.

Dr. Lee K. Thornton and Dr. Mark S. Elliott are our board-certified plastic surgeons, and they offer various cosmetic and aesthetic procedures to help you feel your best.

What is laser tattoo removal?

A tattoo is meant to be a permanent reminder of something you want to see every day; unfortunately, many people end up regretting their ink, which can cause problems with their jobs, family, and overall self-esteem.

Tattoos are permanent because the artist's machine delivers tiny drops of ink into the dermis, the layer below the epidermis. The cells in the dermis are more stable, meaning the ink stays in place for a lifetime.

The good news is that advances in laser therapy have allowed our team to utilize powerful laser energy to break up the ink particles that the body will eventually remove. This results in a reduction in the visibility of the tattoo, which diminishes over time.

Most people need several sessions to completely remove their tattoos. The number of sessions depends on the size of the tattoo, where it is located, and the colors of ink within it.

How the laser removes the tattoo

To understand how laser tattoo removal works, you must understand your tattoo. A tattoo has thousands of tiny ink particles that enter your dermis. These ink particles are too large for the body's immune system to eliminate, making them a permanent part of the skin.

The laser uses light energy to break the ink particles into smaller pieces. The light hits the ink particles during the procedure, breaking them up into even smaller fragments. Over time, your immune system eliminates the tiny ink particles, and the tattoo becomes less noticeable.

Laser tattoo removal is safe for most people, but it may be slightly uncomfortable. Our team provides numbing cream if necessary to ease pain during the procedure.

Between treatments, allow the area to heal and keep it clean and safe from infection. The time you need before the next session depends on many factors, including the tattoo's color and how your body responds to the laser.

Will my skin be completely clear?

Unfortunately, we can't predict whether your body will completely clear all the ink after several laser tattoo sessions. Each person's tattoo, immune system, and healing process are different.

It's more likely that your tattoo will permanently disappear if it's small and made of blue or black inks. The darker inks absorb the laser light more effectively, allowing the laser to break down the ink particles.

Lighter colors like yellows and pinks don't absorb light as well, making it harder to eliminate the ink from your skin. The tattoo may appear lighter and less noticeable but may not disappear completely.

We discuss the entire treatment process with you at your consultation so you have realistic expectations about the results. Many people are happy with the less noticeable tattoo, even if it's not entirely gone.

However, many people get excellent results with only a faint sign that a tattoo was ever on that area of skin. It's a safe and effective option for a tattoo you deeply regret and don't want to see again.

To schedule an appointment for laser tattoo removal, don't hesitate to call our Meridian, Mississippi, team today to schedule a consultation or book an appointment using our convenient online scheduling tool.

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