Is Your Gynecomastia Causing Embarrassment? We Can Help!

Is Your Gynecomastia Causing Embarrassment? We Can Help!

Gynecomastia is a condition that happens when the breast tissue enlarges in males. Although it's not usually harmful, it can cause significant self-esteem issues and make you want to avoid wearing specific shirts or clothing.

Enlarged breast tissue in men has many causes, the most common being hormonal changes throughout life. Even with lifestyle modifications and medications, getting back your manly physique can be tricky – but what other options are there?

At Meridian Plastic Surgery, in Meridian, Mississippi, our team offers breast reduction surgery for men unable to manage gynecomastia through conservative measures. Dr. Lee K. Thornton and Dr. Mark S. Elliott are two esteemed plastic surgeons who provide procedures to help you feel more confident in your body.

What is gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is when males grow excess breast tissue, causing the chest to appear more prominent. Although it's not usually harmful to a man's health, it can lead to social avoidance and embarrassment when wearing specific clothing.


Most cases of gynecomastia occur due to hormone problems and fluctuations, specifically between testosterone and estrogen. There are other causes of gynecomastia you should be aware of, and they include the following:

It may take a while to notice your breasts enlarging, depending on the cause of the problem. If you see a small lump forming in your breast, seek treatment right away to rule out other issues and get a jump on reducing the size of the breast tissue.

Diagnostic tools we use to confirm gynecomastia include breast ultrasound and mammogram to ensure the growth is from excess fat and breast tissue, not something more problematic.

Managing gynecomastia nonsurgically

It's possible to manage gynecomastia on your own without the need for surgery. Some men won't even need treatment if they're not bothered by the excess breast tissue and their health isn't at risk.

However, most men are embarrassed by gynecomastia, causing them to seek treatment. Doctors typically treat gynecomastia by getting to the root cause of the excess breast tissue.


For example, getting treatment for an underlying condition that could be changing your hormone levels may help breast tissue shrink. Adrenal tumors and thyroid issues are two causes of hormonal changes in men.

Stopping anabolic steroid use for bodybuilding and quitting amphetamines, marijuana, or opioids is another way to manage gynecomastia alone.

Talk to your doctor about any medications you're taking to determine if they may be the culprit behind excess breast tissue. They can then work to change your medications to decrease your chest and restore your confidence.

Surgical options for gynecomastia

Some men aren't able to control gynecomastia on their own, even with lifestyle changes or medication substitutions. It's incredibly frustrating and causes some men to seek surgical treatment to reduce breast tissue for good.

The most common surgical procedure for gynecomastia is a breast reduction or reduction mammaplasty. While we mostly perform this procedure on women with large breasts, it's also an option for men living with embarrassing gynecomastia.

During reduction mammaplasty surgery, Dr. Thornton and Dr. Elliott use liposuction and reconstruction techniques to remove excess fat and tissue and reshape your chest to your desired shape.

In the case of gynecomastia caused by excess fat, they may use liposuction alone to reduce the size of the breast tissue. In more severe cases, reconstructive techniques provide a better chest shape and rearrangement of the nipples and areolas on the chest.

For a consultation with Dr. Thornton or Dr. Elliott for gynecomastia, call Meridian Plastic Surgery today at 601-693-7742 or request an appointment on the website.

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