What to Expect From a Complete Mommy Makeover

What to Expect From a Complete Mommy Makeover

If you're considering a mommy makeover to reclaim your pre-pregnancy body, you're in good hands at Meridian Plastic Surgery. Our highly skilled surgeons are here to guide you through the journey and help you achieve the stunning results you desire. 

In this blog, we give you a glimpse of what to expect from a complete mommy makeover at our accredited surgery center in Beverly Hills, California.

What to expect from your consultation 

Your mommy makeover journey begins with an initial consultation with one of our experienced plastic surgeons. During this meeting, you discuss your goals, concerns, and expectations. 

At Meridian Plastic Surgery, Dr. Lee K. Thornton will evaluate your overall health and assess specific areas of concern, such as your breasts, abdomen, and body contour. 

Build your personalized treatment plan

After your consultation, you and your provider will develop a treatment plan that’s designed to address your individual concerns and goals. A complete mommy makeover typically includes a combination of procedures such as:

Breast enhancement

Whether you desire breast augmentation, breast lift, or breast reduction, our team has the expertise to enhance the appearance and symmetry of your breasts, restoring a youthful and natural contour.

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)

To address abdominal muscle separation and excess skin, a tummy tuck can help you achieve a flat, toned abdomen. This procedure is especially effective for moms looking to regain their pre-pregnancy shape.


Stubborn pockets of fat that develop during pregnancy can persist despite diet and exercise, and we can eliminate them with liposuction. We commonly combine this procedure with other surgeries to enhance overall body contour.

What to expect from your surgery

During your mommy makeover, our ensures your comfort and safety throughout the procedure. You're under anesthesia to ensure a pain-free experience. 

What to expect immediately after surgery 

You kick off your recovery in our recovery room, where we monitor you carefully. It’s common for people to feel disoriented, groggy, and nauseous — side effects of anesthesia. We administer pain relief medication, so you can stay as comfortable as possible as you start to heal.

When you’re ready to head home, you receive detailed postoperative care instructions. These may include directions regarding:

Expect some downtime, but know that our surgeons and staff are available to support you every step of the way. We schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress, address any concerns, and ensure a smooth recovery.

When to expect results

As you heal and your body settles into its new contours, you begin to see the remarkable results of your mommy makeover. Your breasts will be more youthful and perky, your abdomen firmer, and your body's overall silhouette improved. 

It can take a few weeks to fully heal from surgery, so be gentle with yourself and give yourself the time and space to heal.

Ongoing support

Our commitment to your well-being extends beyond surgery. Our team is here to provide ongoing support and guidance as you adapt to your new look and lifestyle. We're just a phone call away if you have any questions or concerns.

If you’re ready for a complete mommy makeover and want to book your consultation, call Meridian Plastic Surgery at 601-693-7742.

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