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Some women dream of larger breasts, while others wish theirs were smaller. A breast reduction is a surgical procedure for women with larger-than-average breasts that affects various aspects of life. If you're considering breast reduction, the Meridian Plastic Surgery team in Meridian, Mississippi, offers various forms of breast surgery to...
Hair loss doesn't affect only men; women also begin to lose hair with age, especially after menopause. Thinning hair can affect self-confidence and make you feel unwell. At Meridian Plastic Surgery, Dr. Lee K. Thornton provides hair restoration procedures to patients in Meridian, Mississippi. He's an experienced plastic surgeon who...
If you're considering a mommy makeover to reclaim your pre-pregnancy body, you're in good hands at Meridian Plastic Surgery. Our highly skilled surgeons are here to guide you through the journey and help you achieve the stunning results you desire. In this blog, we give you a glimpse of what...
Living with hyperhidrosis is tough, especially when you randomly sweat for no reason. The result is wet shirts and sweaty palms, even when you're not hot. Unfortunately, hyperhidrosis is a prevalent condition that often requires professional treatment. Using antiperspirants and wearing breathable clothing can help mild symptoms. However, Botox® treatments...
Most people have done something they regret – but most of those things don't live permanently on the skin. A tattoo, however, is a constant reminder of a bad decision if you don't like what you have or have serious regrets. Great news – laser tattoo removal is a popular...
Have you ever had a wart on your skin that you couldn't stand to look at? Unfortunately, you're not alone in your embarrassment and frustration. Warty growths on the skin are common but a nuisance nonetheless. They often result from the human papillomavirus, or HPV, which is highly contagious. Although...
Ptosis is the medical name for an eyelid that sags and droops. The condition causes the skin of your eyelid to fall over your eye, blocking your vision and affecting your appearance. Some people who have ptosis live with it, and it doesn't bother them – but if it does,...
Summer is here, and you know what that means – shaving your legs, bikini area, back, or armpits to look your best. But daily shaving is time-consuming, causes skin irritation, and is a hassle. Both men and women have to deal with shaving daily, even when they don't want to,...
Acne is something only teenagers get when they hit puberty – right? Wrong. Acne can strike at any age, even adults who are well past the hormonal changes of puberty. Adult acne is tough to deal with when you don't know the root cause or how to treat it. The...
Gynecomastia is a condition that happens when the breast tissue enlarges in males. Although it's not usually harmful, it can cause significant self-esteem issues and make you want to avoid wearing specific shirts or clothing. Enlarged breast tissue in men has many causes, the most common being hormonal changes throughout...
Looking your best sometimes means taking the extra step as you age; Botox injections, fillers, and even surgery are options to tighten skin and eliminate embarrassing lines and wrinkles. But injections and a facelift are very different. However, they yield similar results – so which one is best for your...
Millions of people have tattoos, which are excellent ways to express who you are. However, you may have one or two you got when you were young that you no longer care for. Unfortunately, tattoos are permanent – until now. Laser tattoo removal is a revolutionary treatment that allows you...
Being unhappy with any aspect of your appearance or body negatively affects your self-esteem, especially regarding facial features. Your lips are one of the aspects of your appearance you don't have much control over – until now. If you desire plumper, fuller-appearing lips, you have a few options that can...
Many things cause hair loss or hair thinning, including age and some medical conditions. Although men suffer from hair loss more often than women, it can affect both sexes. Thinning hair, receding hairlines, and bald spots make it hard to be confident in your appearance. Hair transplants are a great...
Excess arm fat is a real problem for people who are overweight, have lost a lot of weight, or are simply dealing with the changes the body goes through with age. When you have "bat wings," or excess skin and fat that hangs off the bottom of your arms, it's...
Losing weight has many advantages to your health and your confidence, but it may also leave behind sagging skin. Aging and weight gain also cause excess skin or fat under the chin area, which isn't usually flattering. No matter the reason for your double chin, one thing is for sure...
Have you noticed veins in your legs that are discolored or raised and painful? You may be dealing with spider or varicose veins, but which is it? Varicose and spider veins are similar vascular problems affecting men and women, but telling them apart isn't always easy. If you're living with...
Sex is supposed to be a fun experience between partners. Still, if you're living with vaginal dryness, burning, and discomfort during sex, it's anything but enjoyable. These symptoms, paired with the fluctuations of hormones during menopause, led to disaster regarding intimacy and a healthy sex life — until now. diVa...
Diabetes is a chronic health condition where your body either doesn't make enough insulin or can't use the insulin it produces effectively. Insulin is necessary for the human body to turn glucose, or sugar in the blood, into energy. Without the proper amount of insulin, glucose builds up in the...
Women's breasts come in almost every shape and size you can imagine. There are large breasts, small breasts, and uneven breasts; usually, there aren't perfect breasts. Unfortunately, many women aren't fond of their breast size or shape. Breastfeeding, weight loss or gain, and cancer affect how breasts look and change....
Shaving your legs and your bikini line is tedious, especially when you must do it daily. How can you eliminate the pesky hair without picking up a razor? Laser hair removal is a cutting-edge technology that allows the team at Meridian Plastic Surgery to rid your body of unsightly body hair. Dr. Lee...
Chemical peels are a great way to quickly change your skin's look to reveal a healthier and younger glow. However, the treatment requires a chemical on your face, which can cause significant side effects if you're not careful. It's essential that you do your research before going forward with a...
Your veins are critical to your health as they transport deoxygenated blood back to your heart to get oxygen. With so much use, your veins can become damaged, leading to problems like spider veins or varicose veins. When you notice one of these problems, you may be worried about your health...
Have you recently noticed that you have sagging skin around your eyes? Are your eyelids drooping when you look in the mirror? If so, you may be embarrassed by these signs of aging, but there's a treatment that can help. Dr. Lee Thornton and Dr. Mark Elliott provide blepharoplasty as...
New tattoos are fun to look at and are a great way to express yourself — but what happens when you severely regret your tattoo down the road? The good news is that technology allows the team at Meridian Plastic Surgery in Meridian, Mississippi, to remove tattoos with state-of-the-art lasers....
When you want to rejuvenate your skin and achieve a more youthful glow, there are plenty of options available — but only one uses patented diamond tip technology to provide you with the best results possible. At Meridian Plastic Surgery, we're proud to offer the DiamondGlow® facial for beautifully flawless...
Your self-confidence suffers when you don't like the face that's looking back at you in the mirror. There are many options to help you restore your youthful look, but none are quite as dramatic as a facelift. If you're considering a facelift, the team at Meridian Plastic Surgery in Meridian, Mississippi, provides specialized...
Your skin care regimen shouldn't be the same all year round — every season requires different measures to keep your skin healthy. Winter is especially harsh on your skin, from your face to your hands. Taking extra care of your skin during the cold winter is vital for a glowing...
There are several types of breast surgery, including implants for larger breasts and a lift or reduction. No matter what type of breast surgery you’re looking for, there’s a lot that goes into the procedure and your recovery. Recovering after your surgery can be the most difficult part of breast...
You use your hands for just about everything all day, every day. They’re an important part of your daily life, so when they become injured, it really puts a damper on your activities. While some hand injuries can heal with conservative treatment, others require surgery for you to regain full function. The...
Fat is something your body needs, but not something you want to show. It tends to accumulate in your midsection and in your arms and legs. Even with intense workouts and weight training, the fat around your arms is extremely difficult to get rid of. At Meridian Plastic Surgery, our team are...
As you get older, your skin ages just like other parts of your body. However, because it’s one of the first things people notice about you, the wrinkles and fine lines are much more concerning to your self-esteem. But you don’t have to live with aging skin; cosmetic injectable treatments can help....
Carpal tunnel syndrome is an issue that’s caused by compression of a nerve, which is called your median nerve. This causes pain in your hand and fingers, making it hard to do even the simplest of tasks. Surgery is sometimes necessary to relieve your symptoms, especially when other methods haven’t worked. At Meridian...
An estimated 65% of men and boys worldwide have gynecomastia. It’s the No. 1 male breast disorder, and it causes breast tissue to overdevelop, which gives the chest a more feminine appearance. Usually, gynecomastia isn’t a significant health issue. However, it can have a serious impact on your self-esteem and your body image....
When you look in the mirror and see baggy, saggy eyes, all you know is that it makes you look and feel older than you are. You play the what-if game by pulling up your lids, tugging up your brows, and imagining what you could look like if you finally...
If you’ve wished that your breasts were a different shape or size, you’re far from alone. Surgical breast sculpting is among the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures in the United States. If you’ve decided on surgery, choosing the type that meets your wants and needs is important. At Meridian Plastic...
Every year in the United States, doctors perform well over 1 million chemical peels, helping women and men refresh their skin’s appearance and improve its overall health too. In fact, peels are one of the top five most-popular minimally invasive cosmetic treatments, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons...
If you’ve worked hard to stay fit yet still struggle with stubborn fat pockets in your thighs, you’re not alone. Fat can gather in the thigh area for a range of reasons, from the way your body is built and your genetics to your age and levels of estrogen. And...
It’s no secret that having a baby is life-changing. Meeting your new child is an amazing and joyous experience — but as many moms know, pregnancy and childbirth take a toll on your body. Pregnancy stretches your abdominal muscles and skin, often permanently changing the way your midsection looks. A...
Looking to turn back the hands of time but not ready to go under the knife? You don’t have to. At Meridian Plastic Surgery, our team of cosmetic experts offers a full menu of rejuvenating treatments, including ground-breaking Broadband Light Therapy (BBL™). Here's how BBL can help you look years...
Aging is a natural process, but that doesn’t mean you have to live with its effects. If you’re not happy with what you see in the mirror or photos of yourself as time passes, a face-lift may be just what the cosmetic doctor ordered. The surgical procedure that smoothes skin...
Fat deposits can be stubborn. Muffin tops, love handles, and chicken wings often don’t budge, even though you exercise, eat healthily, and are at your ideal weight. If you’re bothered by these pesky pockets of fat, it could be time to consider liposuction. Meridian Plastic Surgery in Meridian, Mississippi, board-certified...
Pregnancy can be a beautiful experience as you bring a new life into the world. It can also do a number on your body, as during the nine months you carry the child, your skin expands and your muscles and other soft tissues adjust to carry the additional weight. Post-delivery,...
Your eyes are what draw people to your face. If they’re obscured by drooping eyelids, you’ll be left looking much older than is necessary — and that’s not to mention the vision troubles excess eyelid skin can cause. Fortunately, a blepharoplasty can reverse these issues. At Meridian Plastic Surgery, our...
Whether you’re male or female, your sexual health matters and plays no small role in your quality of life. Unfortunately, for far too long, solving sexual health issues in women took a backseat to men — until now. Thanks to emerging technologies, increasing awareness, and a new understanding of the...
Undergoing surgery is a big decision, especially when it involves your breasts. However, living with large breasts can put a lot of strain on your back and neck muscles, and even worsen pain from other conditions, like spine injuries. Our team at Meridian Plastic Surgery in Mississippi understands how disproportionately...
From the physical discomfort to embarrassment, sweating excessively is no fun. While normal amounts of perspiration plays a vital role in your overall health by keeping your body cool and protecting it from overheating, some 2.8% of the US population experiences hyperhidrosis, a condition that causes your body to sweat...
Whether you skin your knee during a fall, stick your finger sewing, or suffer a serious cut while chopping an onion, all of these wounds involve breaking the skin. That opens up a world of potential problems, the most serious of which is infection. Though most minor wounds form a...
Today, people who want ways to improve their skin have more options than they can count. But it’s a double-edged sword. With so many different choices, it’s hard to know which one will give you the best results. That’s why Lee K. Thornton, MD, FACS and Mark S. Elliott, MD,...
You may have experienced spider veins if you’ve ever been pregnant, or if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. These darkened veins, though visible from outside the skin, typically aren’t a medical concern, but there are treatments that target and reduce the appearance of spider veins. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Mark...
Winter can wreak havoc on your skin thanks to the combination of cold weather, harsh winds, and the drying effects of indoor heating. This can lead to breakouts, hyperpigmentation, and dullness. Luckily, dermaplaning is a pain-free option to refresh your complexion without any harsh chemicals or downtime. At Meridian Plastic...
Your eyes might be the windows to the soul, but aging, sun damage, and other factors can change your window dressing. The combination of saggy eyelids and puffy bags under your eyes contribute to a tired, aged appearance, even after a good night’s sleep. The skin around your eyes is...
Piercing the top layer of your skin with several micro-fine needles to create a healing response may sound counterintuitive, but this process — called microneedling — really works. The expert team led by Lee Thornton, MD, FACS and Mark Elliott, MD, FACS at Meridian Plastic Surgery, uses microneedling to make...
Losing weight takes a lot of work. For most of us, it means months of dieting and exercise to take off extra pounds and help smooth, tone, and refine the results of our efforts. But all too often and despite all our hard work, we’re left with isolated areas of...
Are you thinking about breast augmentation? You're not alone. Breast augmentation surgery is consistently the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure year after year. In fact, in 2018 more than 310,000 women and teenagers had their breasts enlarged. At Meridian Plastic Surgery, Dr. Lee Thornton and Dr. Mark Elliott lead our team in...