Laser Resurfacing


Do you want younger, fresher looking skin?

The Sciton BBL treatment is one of the most advanced Intense Pulse Light systems available on the market. The treatment can lift irregular spots of pigment or discoloration in 10 to 14 days.

Treated areas using Sciton BBL will darken immediately and then gradually fade over two weeks resulting in younger, fresher-looking skin. The BBL can be used safely and effectively on the face, neck, chest, and the rest of the body. It is also used to treat brown spots, age spots, red spots, hyperpigmentation, facial spider veins, and even acne in some cases.



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Procedures of Interest


Meridian Plastic Surgery
4715 24th Place, Suite A
Meridian, MS 39305
Phone: 601-693-7742
Fax: 601-484-2465

Office Hours

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